Depressing News from the US

Feb 21 22:56

I've been thinking about this blogging lark for a couple of days now. The last couple of posts have been geology related and perhaps they would have been better as forum articles. I'm still not sure so here is something a bit more off topic.

I've had my odd pop or two at creationist / intelligent design on GR in the past (and will continue to do so in the future) but the following shows something of the scale of the opposition to rational thought in the US. By way of political betting and polling report comes this depressing (for me anyway) poll result from USA Today/Gallop. Asked "if your party nominated a generally well-qualified person for president who happened to be [category here], would you vote for that person?





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That is depressing reading.

That is depressing reading. I was alarmed when I first saw that stat and it brings it just brings it home even more now in graphical form.

Well, one of the reasons GR was started was to promte Earth Sciences (our primary mission!) in face of all the creationist stuff out there. Rather than counter each creationist argument one-by-one I thought I'd try simply presenting the knowledge that geologists have in an easy-to-read form. No idea if it's working, but GR appears pretty high up in the google ranks, which is an encouraging sign. I did have a point related to the graph, but I've lost it! Something about even daring to say you're an atheist will lose you immediate respect which is one reason I don't specifically mention religion on the main site pages (although people or more than free to do so in blogs and the forum!). Something along those lines anyway.

Geologists are gneiss!!




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Not just US.

Mind you, it is not just our American cousins that are prone to irrational belief. It appears that the Belgians won't fly with an airline that has thirteen dots in its logo.

BBC News

Geologists like a nappe between thrusts



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Depressing Americans

You've got to feel sorry for them really haven't you? Am I the only one who feels that perhaps the Americans are being brainwashed?

How else can Bush's re-election be explained.

You'd really think that a quick look at all those amazing landscapes they've got around them, (Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, etc), combined with a bit of unbiased education, would make them jump off of the creationist bandwagon wouldn't you?




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Belief is a weird

Belief is a weird thing...I'm currently reading by Lewis Wolpert. It explores how and why humans believe things and the evolutionary basis for this (I'm oly on chapter 2 though!). This is also covered somewhat by by Dawkins. Fascinating stuff!

Geologists are gneiss!!

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