
Nov 09 01:51

Can Anyone Help Me Figure Out What Type of Rock This Is?

Hi everyone,

 I went to Angel Island a few weeks ago and was wondering if anyone can help me figure out what type of rock this is...I have been searching many places, and came across this blog and thought it would be helpful. I have more, but...

 To start out with one:

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Mar 01 01:40

Did the Continental Drift Create an Oil Bonanza?

More than 90 million years ago, when the land mass of Pangaea began separating into the continents we now call South America and Africa, the earth may have produced a lucrative farewell gift: huge oil and gas deposits along both coastlines where they had previously been joined. Now, Angus McCoss, exploration director and chief geologist at Tullow Oil, which in 2007 discovered one of the biggest oil finds of recent years off the coast of West Africa, is betting more than $100 million that a similar bonanza awaits off South America's eastern shore.

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Nov 07 17:11

Internship in UK for international students

I am a 3rd year student of applied geophysics( 5 year program) at  Indian school of mines, dhanbad(India). I have interests in doing an industrial intern in UK or Europe during summer 2011(may- august). I was wondering if anyone could let me know of the various opportunity in this field.

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Jul 14 19:12

Columbian Mammoth

The Columbian Mammoth, the official state fossil of Washington, crossed the Bering Land Bridge into North America some one million years ago and made a home roaming the vast grasslands that stretched from Alaska to Mexico, mirroring the great Rocky Mountains, and munching down about 300 pounds of vegetation each day. During the Pleistocene this extinct elephant extended his habitat down into Central America to modern day Nicaragua and Honduras before dying out around 12,500 years ago.

Jul 14 18:33

Garden of the Gods: Geology & Paleontology of Crete

Nestled between the Aegean and Libyan Sea, Crete, the largest of the Greek Islands, sits at the southern most tip of Europe, the crossroad of cultures, civilizations, East and West, Africa and Europe.

The islands of the Aegean are peaks of underwater mountains that extend out from the mainland. Crete is the last of this range and boasts a diverse beauty from its high mountains of Psiloritis, Lefka Ori, Dikti, to its ocean caressed pink sand beaches.

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Aug 24 20:27


I've been pondering something lately. It's been evoked from a number of things; Dawkins' recent C4 programme, a discussion on SciForums and a meandering around the web for climate change denialist sites.

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Feb 20 10:06



Jan 25 21:15


Katie and I are just back from honeymoon in Antigua, and sticking with geological stuff, we saw some amazing things such as Montserrat (from a helicoptor), reefs, and of course, some Antiguan geology. I'll be uploading photos over the next few weeks (we managed to take >2500!!!!).

Jun 08 19:12


Just got back from me hols (with Katie of course!). We went to the North Yorkshire coast and it was great to get back in the field - some excellent sedimentology and palaeontology. We found some dino footprints and Katie found some Ichthyosaur bones (jammy thing). Loads of pictures with some short reviews of the field localities coming soon Smiling face

Apr 09 20:10

21 reasons why you might be a geologist

Some personal comments on ...

21 Reasons You Might Be a Geologist If ...

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