
Sep 15 11:39


I'm in a bit of a creative mood (it happens every now and again - I get periods where I get lots of ideas, then nothing for a while) and have thought of a list of tutorials I would like to see on this site in the near future. My aim is that I could write them, but I'm sure folk who've been around here a while know that whilst I aim to do a lot of good things, I don't seem to always get around to them...So, I thought I'd list them here, so other people could have a go first, if I don't get there!

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Sep 14 20:47

Visitor Numbers

The graph shows visitor numbers on the site over the last month. Note that it's lower than the 10,000/month peak we had earlier this year (it's at ~7,500/month), but look at the increase in the last few weeks. Do you think the Universities are back ?

Aug 24 20:27


I've been pondering something lately. It's been evoked from a number of things; Dawkins' recent C4 programme, a discussion on SciForums and a meandering around the web for climate change denialist sites.

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Apr 03 14:22

Thanks a lot

Well thanks a lot to all of you - you've cost me money . I've had to upgrade the hosting package for GeologyRocks because we were running out of disk space (250Mb fills up quickly!). This is, of course, a good thing and I hope in the near future I'll have to upgrade again!

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Mar 09 12:49

Note to self

This is more a note to myself to remind me to do some things (but here is a good place to keep it so I don't lose it!).

Bugs to fix:

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Feb 14 12:52

Just wanted to share this

Just checked the visitor log I keep and wanted to share this moment:

In the last month (14/1 - 14/2) we've had *drum roll* >10,000 unique visits on GeologyRocks Smiling face If this keeps on we should easily hit >125,000 this year!

I've attached a PDF of the report summary.

Nov 06 17:06

Reviewing process

So the first batch of reviews we attempted here have just happened (or are currently underway). It went OK. The reviewers were quick to respond, the material was sound and the time it took not too bad. There were a few issues though:

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Oct 21 11:59

New look

This is the new style! Hope you like it.

I've just tweaked a few things here and there, but there are a few new features:

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Apr 04 10:14

What to do with comments?

Here's a bit of a problem that hypocentre brought up - what do we do with comments on tutorials that point out errors, give suggestions for improvements or other comments that essentially require a chnage to the tutorial? What about other comments - along the lines of "I like this!"?

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Mar 20 20:49

Who visits geologyrocks?

I thought I'd answer a few questions that no-one has asked (apart form me). How many people visit geologyrocks? How do they arrive? How long do they stay? Where are they from? I use two tools to tell me this inormation: google analytics and webalizer. The data I'll use here is from February, a short, but otherwise typical month.

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