
May 25 21:54

BBC Website Geology Errors II

More geology errors from the BBC ...

This time from their Science and Nature - Hot Topics - Natural Disasters section on Earthquakes

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May 25 21:07

Geology errors on Children's BBC

I've just come across a page on the BBC Children's website 'explaining' volcanoes [What causes volcanoes?] and it is full of basic errors of geology. If the BBC can't get simple facts right for children what hope do we have in creating a proper understanding of our planet and our subject. I appreciate that they have to keep things simple for children but that is no excuse for fundamental errors of fact!

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Apr 11 11:49


This post on RealClimate just shows how difficult it is to teach and how ideas obtain as a youngster (from your early teachers) do actually stick, but may not be correct.

This just brings home to me how important it is to educate and make sure that people understand what you are explaining rather than glossing over things.

Jan 17 14:58

PhD Viva

So it was my PhD viva yesterday. It lasted 2 hours and 20 mins and was exhausting! I had (as is usual in the UK system) two examiners; one internal (a member of my University) and an external (from another institute). The exam wasn't a structured one and we meandered around our thesis with lots of discussion and questions as we went. It was very tiring overall.

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