
Apr 16 13:57

Creationists hit the big screen

Those wacky creationsits are at it again. This time it's a film Expelled: no intellignece allowed. This film is a documentary that looks at the "Intelligent Design". Cue lot's of shots designed to make scientists (i.e. those that don't agree with ID) look bad, silly, stupid, evil, etc, etc and those who believe in ID reasonable, intelligent, open, etc, etc.

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Mar 25 09:21

Sheer stupidity

I stumbled on a post by a creationist on another website.

I thought to myself "Ah, I'm not going to change this fellow's mind, but at least I can put forth a coherent argument, which is more than the others on the site are doing". Hey, it's Sunday and I'm procrastinating - I'm entitled to think like that Winking

I registered an account and wrote a nice bit about Siccar Point:

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Feb 21 22:56

Depressing News from the US

I've been thinking about this blogging lark for a couple of days now. The last couple of posts have been geology related and perhaps they would have been better as forum articles. I'm still not sure so here is something a bit more off topic.

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Feb 19 00:32

Creationist gets Palaeontology Ph.D.

Do you have to believe what you write in your Ph.D. thesis for it to be valid?

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