
Mar 09 12:49

Note to self

This is more a note to myself to remind me to do some things (but here is a good place to keep it so I don't lose it!).

Bugs to fix:

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Oct 21 11:59

New look

This is the new style! Hope you like it.

I've just tweaked a few things here and there, but there are a few new features:

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Mar 04 16:44

Development Environment for Drupal Sites

As you may know, GeologyRocks uses drupal, a rather excellent CMS. This brings about a few headaches when trying to develop your own code for it as the content (i.e. the stuff you need to test out your new code) is in the database, not as a series of HTML files as for a static websites. To help me develop new features for GeologyRocks, I've set up a development environment for drupal-based sites. This is how I did it...


The aim is to create three versions of the website:

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Feb 24 17:46

My to do list

Ok, here's my prioritised to-do list to get a few things sorted that folk don't like with the new site and some technical things that still need some work:

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Feb 18 09:42


Finally, GeologyRocks 3 is up! It's still far from "finished", but it's little tweaks here and there, a few help pages to add and some content that had been submitted, but not yet uploaded to add. Still, I should get these things done in the next few days/weeks

There's bound to be a few things that haven't quite worked right, so please let me know if you do find anything that isn't working.

Time for some breakfast I think, then start adding those pages!

Hope you like GR3!

Jan 13 11:33

A first entry

So, the first blog entry...hmm...what to write about?

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