Market Rasen Earthquake

Feb 27 08:06

by Hypocentre

Last night I was suddenly awakened by a jolt. I had just enough time to say to my better half "don't panic - earthquake" before the surface waves hit. "How did you know?" she asked. "I felt the body waves first"* I replied. I was also able to assure her that it was a regional earthquake not a local one (our local events are much shorter and sharper) before turning the radio on to listen to the news. Five live's up all night programme must have had the largest audience ever.

The recording of the earthquake from Keele University is below:

The earthquake, about magnitude 5.2 according to the BGS, was centred on Market Rasen in Lincolnshire. It is the largest UK 'quake since the Lleyn Peninsula earthquake of July 1984. The largest recorded UK earthquake , magnitude 6.1, was under the Dogger Bank, off Great Yarmouth in June 1931.

*Don't believe this malarky about animals predicting earthquakes, they feel the smaller body waves first like I did, where has most humans are more likely to notice the later, larger surface waves.





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That was an odd experience

That was an odd experience by all accounts...
Fun though!

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