Boy's Toys

Feb 21 23:12

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm into gadgets. As part of a project I'm working on I've managed to achieve a nifty integration of gizmos (well I like it anyway).

I've taken a Samsung Q1 ultra mobile notebook PC running XP (above) and loaded ArcGIS (a popular geographical information system) on to it. From Edina digimap (subscription required) I've downloaded topographic, historic and geological maps for an area I'm working on. I've made the geology map semitransparent so the other layers can be overlain with the geology.

I've taken my Garmin GPSmap 60CSx unit and connected it to the Q1 by USB cable so now I can see my current position on the geology / topography / historic maps. This is going to make a great field geology resource (well I'm easily pleased!).

For the techy among you, the only tricky bit was the GPS to ArcGIS connection. The GPS outputs the data NMEA data via a USB cable. ArcGIS only accepts the data in serial form via a COM port that the Q1 doesn't have and the GPS doesn't transmit to. I'd like to thank the technical support at Garmin Europe for providing me with a program that takes the NMEA data from the USB port and converts it so that it appears to ArcGIS as if it is coming via a COM port.





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Nice! How is the Q1? Reviews

Nice! How is the Q1? Reviews I read were a bit mixed.

For info, the Australian geology survey use tablet PCs with GPS to do their mapping. It's a big leap from a photocopied OS map and a clipboard!

Geologists are gneiss!!



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I have a friend that works

I have a friend that works on GPS stuff at Garmin here in the US.  I think he works on units for airplanes though.  um......that's all.  cool looking stuff though.



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Fantastic idea. Would be

Fantastic idea. Would be very useful for the odd walkover survey / geomorph mapping I do at work. Much more convienent than fighting the elements for control of various folded maps and clipboards!

If you don't mind me blatently stealing the idea I'll suggest getting a portable, notebook-type computer to my boss and we can connect it to the GPS units we already have....however as it involves the company spending substantial amounts of money I have my doubts as to the limits of my persuasion!!




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Q1 Review

I can see why reviews might be mixed. It is slow to boot and the screen at highest resolution is not that easy to read. Without wifi you will need a usb network adapter as well.

But switching between resolutions is easy and once up and running it is really nice. There is a nice little USB keyboard as well. Its compact nature makes it very useful for travelling and I now take it into meetings and type notes up directly. Diagrams can be drawn in MS journal.

My other main use is for giving powerpoint presentations. It's easier to lug around than a laptop and you can draw annotations on the slides directly with the stylus.

Geologists like a nappe between thrusts

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