
Apr 16 13:57

Creationists hit the big screen

Those wacky creationsits are at it again. This time it's a film Expelled: no intellignece allowed. This film is a documentary that looks at the "Intelligent Design". Cue lot's of shots designed to make scientists (i.e. those that don't agree with ID) look bad, silly, stupid, evil, etc, etc and those who believe in ID reasonable, intelligent, open, etc, etc.

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Apr 15 23:00


Hmmm...$27M for a museum of lies. Creationists in USA have opened a museum all about the creationists "point of view" - including (rather ludicrously) dinosaurs (T. rex no less) right next to two children! Imagine if I got $27M to promote geology (and evolution) - the wonders I could teach! What a waste of money

I love the panda in the article though: "Steve steve" - classic!

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