GeologyRocks Tour

GeologyRocks is a large site that contains a large amount of material. The best advice is to dive in and have a look around the site. The site map might also help. This is a quick guided tour of the site to get you started.


Our tutorials are short (generally around 1000 words), self-contained lessons on a geological subject. They are aimed at a variety of levels of knowledge form introductory through to advanced. Introductory tutorials assume no previous geological knowledge at all and can be read by anyone. Tutorials aimed specifically at younger budding geologists can be found in this section. Intermediate level tutorials require some geological knowledge, which often be found in the introductory tutorials. Advanced level tutorials require quite detailed previous knowledge and are aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate geology students. Tutorials are also categorised by subject, such as sedimentology and palaeobiology.


Articles are opinion pieces, reviews or short articles that have a geological subject, but are not tutorials. They might include reviews of field localities, books, DVDs, etc; a list of current geology courses in the UK and news articles, etc.


The community section of the site contains the user blogs, polls and, of course, the forums.

The forum is the central meeting place on the site. in the forum you can discuss a number of topics, geological or not. If you are new to the site, go and introduce yourself in the forum. You can also ask any questions you have there.


The glossary is an A-Z of geological jargon. Unlike most glossaries and dictionaries, we also classify words into geological categories, as well as listing by A-Z.


The images section contains a lot of free-to-use photographs and diagrams. The images are covered by the Creative Commons Licence. This is the only resource in the site that can be used in this way. You will see the following text where you are free to use the material

CC licence image

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-Share Alike License.
The images are divided by type (photographs or diagrams) and by geological classification.

Fun & Games

Learning geology is hard work! The Fun & Games section contains some Java-based games and some dinosaur pictures you can colour in yourself (or get your kids to).


The links section is a directory of useful web links. As per the rest of the site, the links are classified depending on the type of information they contain.


The shop contains an Amazon shop, where you can buy books, DVDs, etc from We also have our own exclusive merchandise which range from GeologyRocks T-shirts to underpants! Any budding geologist also needs some equipment. We've teamed up with UKGE which supply a range of equipment.

There's a lot more to discover on the site, so have a wander around!