Overview of GeologyRocks

GeologyRocks aims to promote the Earth sciences. Our primary aim is to create an online, free-to-use, text book, covering all levels from beginner to advanced. The site is arranged into nine main sections. The tutorials are where we are building the online text book, which along with the articles, glossary and images form a unique online resource for all geologists.

The pages are laid out with the main navigation along the top and secondary and other items in two columns either side of the main content.

The main navigation contains the nine main sections. In each of these sections the secondary navigation changes to match. As you navigate around the site, the breadcrumb trail will let you know where you are. Also, there is always a site search available. Finally there is your personal menu, which lets you add content, create a blog and edit your profile. In your profile you can control which blocks appear on the right hand column.