Blog help

Blogs (or Weblogs) are public diaries of sorts. They are pages that are in reverse chronological order and can be on any topic. Given this is a geology site, we prefer geologically oriented material! Every user of GeologyRocks can start a blog. Simply click on “my Blog”, which is available on any page and then click “new post”. Some people try and add a new entry every day, some add several a day, some add one a month – however often you post, remember, your blog is yours – you control what you want to go in it.

In your profile, you can give your blog a title and a short description.

When you create a blog post, a form will appear on the screen. Fill in the text boxes, etc. as appropriate. In particular, please fill in the “tags” field as this will help people interested in the same things find your blog. Your blog entry is published immediately without any reviewing. Please remember that your blog is public – anyone can read it. Once published, people can comment on your blog posts (and you can comment on your own too). Do not put anything in that could get you into trouble. Anything deemed offensive in any way by the site moderators or admin will be removed without warning.

Blog posts can be formatted in the same way as most other content. Please see the editor help pages for more information on using the WYSIWIG editor.