Submitting a tutorial

Tutorials are designed to short (around 1words) articles explaining a particular geological subject. Think of them as short book chapters. Tutorials are organised by category, level and by “tags”.

The level is determined by the audience to which a tutorial is most suited. Our three levels are Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced. Introductory tutorials are meant to be understood by anyone – even without any geological training. Intermediate tutorials are equivalent of lower-year undergraduates or second year A-Level students. They require some background knowledge that is assumed. Advanced are aimed at final year undergraduates or postgraduates that need a grounding in a particular subject. While these levels are somewhat arbitrary they are meant as an indication of target audience only, rather than ability.

To submit a tutorial for publication, simply click “Create content” and select tutorial. Then fill in the form as appropriate.

Tutorial level and classification

The best way of writing a tutorial is either within the web page, copy and pasting at regular intervals to a word or text document (using word will preserve your formatting) or writing the tutorial offline. Writing offline can be done in word or as HTML in a text file. When using word, do not use any “fancy” formatting or tools. This produces large HTML files which require substantial editing. This will delay the publication of your work. The quickest way (and easiest for the editors) is to write HTML directly or use the in-built editor.