
A discontinuity over which there has been displacement of rock strata. See Reverse Fault, Normal Fault and Strike-Slip Fault. There are many terms associated with faults.

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Fissure Eruption

An eruption occurring through long, open crack in the ground. They commonly form flood basalts which are repeated flows on low viscosity lava and can cover large areas.



The ability of an individual to survive and reproduce relative to conspecifics.



See clint.



Microcrystalline quartz (SiO2) found in chalk. Chert is the equivalent in any other rock, i.e. flint is chert.

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Pertaining to a river or stream. A fluvial sandstone is a sandstone that was deposited in a river.


Folk's Classification

Folks classification of limestones based on the matrix/cement and the main lithological components. For example, a limestone with a micrite matrix containing mainly ooids would be Oomicrite. If the cement were sparite instead, then it would be an Oosparite. Folk used four main clast types: ooids, bioclast, peeloid and intraclast.



A formation is a group of beds used in stratigraphy. This is the smallest unit on a geological map. Formations are grouped together into a group. See also Member.



Any remains, trace, or imprint of an organism that has been preserved in the Earth's crust.


Founder Effect

The principle that the founders of a new colony carry only a fraction of the total genetic variation in the source population.