Magnetic stones

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Magnetic stones

Hello all, I live on the E Sussex coast and out on my walks I'm always finding stones, fossils and rocks that just have to come home with me Smiling face anyway I have many from the beach that are magnetic varying in colour form light brown to black, some with a smooth flat surface on one side and rough with holes on the other, any ideas what they may be, was hoping they may be meteorites ?

I hope to get some nice close up pics for easier id and post them, hope no-one minds me being lazy and relying on the members experience.





Gus Horsley


Email user

It's extremely unlikely that

It's extremely unlikely that they're meteorites.  Most iron ores (apart from magnetite and a couple of others which aren't likely to occur in your area) aren't magnetic, so what I think you may be finding is old bits of man-made iron debris such as fragments of ships, ballast, etc.

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