Unknown rock specimens

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Unknown rock specimens

Hello there, I am new to this forum. Can someone please identify the rocks in this picture. The one black/white rock has a fossil on the other side, unfortunately I submitted it to the local university to be analyzed so I do not have a picture of the fossil and it will take some time to get the rock back. Thanks




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I'm guessing by the silence

I'm guessing by the silence that nobody knows. It's very difficult to do so by photograph alone - so let's do some basic tests.

The pink one: is it composes of grains or interlocking crystals (or neither)? Might sound strange, but lick it - does it taste salty? Scratch it with something steel - does it scratch? Scratch it with a copper coin (Old 2p coin in the UK, no idea for the US).

The yellow one: Grains or crystals? Again, try scratching bits with a steel knife or nail.

Black and white: Scratch the white bits with the steel knife or nail. Same with the black bits.

My guesses based on the pictures:

Pink: either a metaquartzite or a lump of halite?

Yellow: Some kind of sandstone?

B&W: Some shale(??) with quartz?

Geologists are gneiss!!

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