Reverse Theory

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Christopher Ball


Email user

Reverse Theory


Geology’ The backbone of science, everything that throws light on the history of mankind falls within the field of geology. Geologists do not only study rock for the rock itself but they study them for the information they throw on the history of mankind.

But what if the information was flawed?

The encyclopaedia says ‘Solid rock gets broken down by the wind, rain and frost leaving the more resistant rocks in large fragments, where, through the ages, grind against each other along the seashore to become gravel and sand’.

Age = Aeon

Beach pebbles – solid rock’ to pebbles’ to sand’ a process taking aeons.

However’ beach pebbles are not quite as they seem, through the process of tidemark pebbles get bigger, not smaller.

Of course they grind together and erode but tidal input is far greater than tidal output.

A dirty, wet dry’ wet dry’ tidemark principle is at work, we also have …

1)   Misshaped pebbles and grit at the bottom of a beach and rounded symmetrical pebbles at the top of the beach … according to the erosion process this should be the other way around

2)   On rough pounding shorelines we have pebbles and on calm sunny shorelines we have sand … again’ according to the erosion process this should be the other way around

3)   The internal stratum of a pebble is circular but according to the erosion process this should be straight

4)   Pebbles on a brown commercial beach show scuffed edges, clearly revealing 4 or 5 previous layers, different shades showing different coloured stains

5)   We clearly see many pebbles mounded together, sometimes four, bonded by tidal gunk

6)   Tidemark in a washbasin or sea basin is the same 

7)   Tidal input is greater than tidal output

8)   If you constantly varnish a stone and let it dry every 12 hours it will gain weight

9)   There are no intermediate rock between pebble and source rock

10)                There are no pebbles at the top of sandy beaches or in the desert

It would seem sand has been washed onto the shore rather than away from the shore