Limestone, marly limestone, marl, etc.

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Limestone, marly limestone, marl, etc.

I am currently in the field without my books and documents. There is a lot of carbonates here, marlstones and claystones. I know that marls are a mixture of clayey/silty material with carbonate and there are certain percantages to give them the real names. However, I need an easy field method that works with eyes, fingers, pocket knife and 10% HCl to determine if a rock is limestone, marly limestone, calcareous marl or marl. Can anyone help me out?


P.S. I think i just need conformation that I do it right. Smiling face

The Lost Geologist's Blog




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Mathias2007 wrote:

I need an easy field method that works with eyes, fingers, pocket knife and 10% HCl to determine if a rock is limestone, marly limestone, calcareous marl or marl. Can anyone help me out?


P.S. I think i just need conformation that I do it right. Smiling face

I'd say ...
Limestone fizzes vigourously
Marly Limestone fizzes less vigourously (as does dolomite)
Calcareous marl fizzes weakly
Marl wont fizz unless powdered and then very weakly.

Marl is 35-65% clay and 65-35% carbonate

Geologists like a nappe between thrusts



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One of my field geology

One of my field geology teachers told us to get a small sample and drop acid on it.  If grains remain after the acid fizzes, it's a cemented sandstone/siltstone/clastic whatever.  If all of the material fizzes away, it's limestone.  But this also could have been meant to apply only to the section we were working on and not in general.



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I think I get the idea. Also

I think I get the idea. Also I asked a colleague today and he said to look out for "dirt" staying behind or the acid looking dirty.

The Lost Geologist's Blog

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