Identification Help Please

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Identification Help Please

My daughters found this in our backyard and its properties contradict eachother and I know little regarding rocks.  One side seems sandy porous fossil like and the other is has solid smooth more gray/white.  I cant take better pictures if these from my cell arent clear enough.  Thanks for any help we are excited to find out more about it. I hope Im posting this in the right place, apologies if not.

We live in Michigan, United States, home of the Great Lakes.




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Hi Carrie and welcome to

Hi Carrie and welcome to GR.

I'm not familiar with the geology of the Great Lakes - or even the US come to that.

These pictures look like either an igneous rock of some sort - basalt or lava bomb perhaps, or back to the thing that trips so many people up (including experts at first)  -  furness slag.    I belive Michegan has a lot of industry, and probably has had for a couple of hundred years now, and there were many minor smelting plants set up in obscure areas.  It is the same over here, even to the Iron Age hill forts.


“Civilisation exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice.” -  Will Durant


“Civilisation exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice.” -  Will Durant

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