2008/9 Geology/Geoscience Postgraduate Taught Masters Courses

About the author

Taught postgraduate masters (MSc/MRes) degrees are typically one year courses (some may be 18/24 months). Masters courses tend to have a vocational slant leading towards a particular career. PGCE courses are for training teachers and there are two universities that specialise in geology.

University Course
Aberdeen Integrated Petroleum Geoscience
Aberdeen Oil and Gas Enterprise Management
Bangor Applied Marine Geoscience
Birmingham Geotechnical Engineering
Birmingham Hydrogeology
Brighton Applied Geology
Bristol Earth System Science
Bristol Palaeobiology
Bristol Science of Natural Hazards
Cardiff Applied Environmental Geology
Cardiff Environmental Hydrogeology
Cardiff Geobiology
Edinburgh / Heriot-Watt / Newcastle Geoscience for Subsurface Exploration, Appraisal and Development
Exeter Applied Geotechnics
Exeter European Minerals Engineering
Exeter Minerals Engineering
Exeter Mining Engineering
Exeter Mining Geology
Heriot-Watt Petroleum Engineering
Heriot-Watt Reservoir Evaluation and Management
Imperial College Engineering Geology
Imperial College Petroleum Engineering
Imperial College Petroleum Geophysics
Imperial College Petroleum Geoscience
Imperial College Soil Mechanics
Leeds Engineering Geology
Leeds Environmental Geochemistry
Leeds Exploration Geophysics
Leeds Geochemistry
Leeds Hydrogeology
Leeds Structural Geology with Geophysics
Manchester Petroleum Geoscience
Newcastle Engineering Geology
Newcastle Environmental Biogeochemistry
Newcastle Environmental Engineering
Newcastle Geotechnical Engineering
Newcastle Petroleum Geochemistry
Portsmouth Engineering Geology
Portsmouth Geohazard Assessment
Reading Geoarchaeology
Royal Holloway Basin Evolution and Dynamics
Royal Holloway Tectonics
Sheffield Contaminant Hydrogeology
Southampton Marine Geology and Geophysics MRes
Strathclyde Geoenvironmental Engneering MRes
University College London Geophysical Hazards
University College London Geoscience
University College London Micropalaeontology
PGCE Course
Bath PGCE Earth Science/Geology
Keele PGCE Geology

Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this page, no responsibility is taken for any error or omission.

List compiled April 3, 2007. Revised March 25, 2008